
Welcome to Christ the Lord's online directory! We hope this will provide a simple and easy way to connect, member to member and see upcoming events. 

Please be advised that this site is a work in progress. More information will be added slowly, but we wanted to get the directory function out to our members as soon as possible! Enjoy! 

Confused? Take a look at the FAQs below!


How do I set up my account? 

Once you have been personally invited by the Church Secretary, you will receive an email.*

  • Sent from: "noreply.christthelordbrookfield@360unite.com" 
  • Subject line: "Welcome to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church's Church360 Unite site!"

Click the blue "ACCEPT" button. 

You will be directed to a webpage that will prompt you to create a username (optional) and password (mandatory).

Once created, you will be logged in to your Church 360 Unite account where you can navigate to the "Members" page and see the online directory! 

*You may receive 2 or 3 of these to different email accounts we have on file for you. Please note that whatever email address you click ACCEPT from will be the email that is associated with your account. The other links will then be deactivated. 

Something listed on my profile under the Members page is outdated. How can I update it? 

After you create an account and sign in, simply click on your name at the top right of the site. That takes you to your personal profile. Once there, click on the large "Edit my Profile" button on the right. Be sure to save the changes you make by clicking the blue "Update Profile" button at the bottom of the page. 

NOTE: Anyone within a household can update household information (such as address & household phone number), but each person in a household (if they have an email address & account) can only update their personal account. 

NOTE: If the email address that you created the account with is NOT your email address, please do NOT change the name on the profile you are using. This messes up our internal data. If you have a question about the email associated with the account that you have created, please email here.  

If you are the head of the household and would like to make changes to someone in your house, you are welcome to email our Church Secretary here. These changes can be made internally. Thank you! 

This is great, but I don't want the whole world to see my online directory contact information. Is this private? 

Yes! All members need a login to see the information under the Members page. This login invite is given out by and approved only from CTL staff, so your info is kept for member's eyes, only. 

I don't feel comfortable showing a specific part of my contact information to the whole congregation. Is there a way I can hide some things, while leaving others available? 

Yes! If you do not feel comfortable showing your cell number, email address, etc. you can simply uncheck the "Listed" button when you edit your page. This way, it is not deleted from the system, but instead kept private and unlisted. 

I see an email listed for my fellow CTL member, and I was wondering if I can email them right from the webpage. Is that possible? 

Of course! Each person's contact information is automatically linked. Just click on their address or email, and your cell phone will automatically have a pop up to Google Maps for directions, or your preferred email service with their address already in the send-to box. Unfortunately, the phone numbers are not linked, but you can copy and paste them into your keypad for easy dialing. Pretty neat!

This is great! Is there an app for this website? 

Sadly, there is no app for our online directory, just a webpage. We recommend to keep the webpage as a favorite on your device, or save it as a widget to your home screen for easy access. 

I don't want to have to type in the whole URL every time I want to pull up the directory. How can I avoid this? 

There are ways in your cell phone to link to a webpage from a widget, keep the tab open on your browser, or favorite a page you frequent often. Our church secretary is more than happy to help you figure it out! Feel free to email Alex here to see when she would be available to help you get the directory easily accessible on your device. 

I'm not sure this is for me...can I just get a printed version of the directory instead? 

Of course! We will still print a copy of the directory every once and a while, as we have done in the past. The online directory is to help us keep things updated between printings. Be on the lookout for the next printed, photo directory (coming in 2024).

For any questions, concerns, comments, or to share your thoughts, please email us here
Thank you! 
